I was meandering around on Instapundit (a very good news aggregator for the Non-Left reader), and found a reference to China’s Cultural Revolution, and its War on the “4 Olds”.
I lived during the time of the Cultural Revolution. The newspapers were filled with the story, and, at that time, were not, generally, whitewashing the horrors of the government’s abuses of their own citizens.
But I’d forgotten many of the details. Here is a link from The Brittanica that has more information.
From that article, details about how Mao manipulated the population to achieve his power goals:
Mao adopted four goals for his Cultural Revolution: to replace his designated successors with leaders more faithful to his current thinking, to rectify the CCP, to provide China’s youth with a revolutionary experience, and to achieve specific policy changes to make the educational, health care, and cultural systems less elitist. He initially pursued those goals through a massive mobilization of the country’s urban youths—organized in groups called the Red Guards—while ordering the CCP and the PLA not to suppress the movement.
Sound familiar?
It should. The Left has used the Communist Playbook as their Secular, Revolutionary Bible. The Modern Day Leftist is NOT a ‘brilliant strategist’. He is a plagiarizer, who takes credit for the plan, while slavishly following it to the letter.
Not geniuses.