The Biden Administration is throwing the weight of the Federal government - too much of it filled with power-hungry Democratic supporters - into the act of orchestrating a Federal Takeover of what should be State-Controlled Voter Registration.
We all have seen the results of too many of these voter registration efforts - usually funded with money from Leftist organizations, eager to swamp actual physical voters with shady mail-in votes (in one instance, trucked in from another state!).
States struggle to keep the records up to date and clean - and by clean, without imaginary voters, dumped into the system to give the Fraudsters a way to manufacture votes for their favored candidate. That process is complicated by same-day registration, no ID needing to be presented at either the time of registration or voting, highly suspicious numbers of voters that exceed current population of adults, and the influx always - ALWAYS - favoring ONE Party.
The Federal intrusion into a State responsibility started back in the days of Civil Rights activity. It has been used as a club to weasel into places the Federal government has no right to be - the Constitutional prohibition against interference into State functions.
AMAZINGLY - honestly, it’s the Miracle of the Holy Ballot! - the results of that heavy-handed refusal to accept limitations on Federal Power have resulted in lopsided elections where a candidate who cannot get support from actual people SOMEHOW manages to get more votes that Barack Obama.
Say what you will about BO, he did whip up enthusiasm from the voting public.
Unlike Addled Joe.
The first place to start ending the fraud and deception is to outlaw mass mail-in voting. It’s simply too easy for postal workers to divert mail from Republican strongholds, slip in ballots that have been manufactured in bulk, and other shady practices that have been documented in courts. Although, in every case, SOMEHOW the decision was reached that such actions ‘wouldn’t have affected the outcome’. How the judges came up with that conclusion is beyond me.
The second place to end the fraud is to allow the local and state boards of election to clean up the voter rolls, using technology that matches up residence with voters. The tech exists, and has uncovered MANY cases of people registered in vacant lots, multiple people registered in the same apartment (not 1 or 3 or so, but HUNDREDS), and other obvious errors/fraudulent registrations.
What’s behind the fraud?
Money from partisan interests (Zuckerbucks funded the last election, making the difference in a few key states), grants given in a chain of funding, from foundations that are NOT permitted to engage in politics, to - eventually - the money landing in HIGHLY partisan organizations. Which - again AMAZINGLY - always seem to land in pro-Leftist hands that jam the Democratic registration levels through the roof.
And, now, the Federal government, through its corrupt president’s order, wants to use government agencies to ‘expand registration’.
You don’t have to be a Conspiracy Theorist to suggest that this will be a VAST expansion in Allegedly Democratic Voters. Padded by Ghost Voters, Non-Citizen Registrations, and Multiple-Location Voters. We often think of Senior voters with multiple homes and college voters as engaging in the practice, but it can also include people who have ties to different states, and work together to send in ballots under multiple names.
Keep on top of what your state is doing to stop the practices that ensure the Deep State and Perma-Politicians never have to seek jobs in the private sector.