If They Won't Tell Us How They Are Spending Our Money,
Then, Yank the Agency's Funding for the Year
I agree with this Federalist essay, and with Rand Paul.
If the APPOINTED heads of the Federal Agencies will not tell Congress what they are doing with the money WE GIVE THEM, then close the checkbook until they do.
Congress is supposed to be the supreme lawmaking authority in this country. Every federal agency is supposed to answer to them, including national security agencies. That is clearly not the case anymore, and it marks the end of representative government.
We, the people, do not rule ourselves if we have no idea and cannot find out what any given agency is doing with our money, institutions, personnel, and policies. We don’t rule ourselves if our representatives have no idea what’s happening inside the agencies they keep funding with 30 years of continuing resolutions nobody but defense lobbyists read. Until the “muh democracy” crowd ends this, they’re complicit.
At this point, and even before I’ve read the new Rand Paul book, I can state that I would unhesitatingly vote for Paul for President in the next election. He’s earned the right to take the job, just for his principled stand for the American Constitution and citizens’ rights.