Just exactly what “community guidelines” I violated in my review beats me. Amazon, as is there practice, gives no explanation of what offense I could have committed.
As I did not engage in fraud or other crime, it probably was the non-disapproval I expressed about the book’s content.
I liked it - a LOT.
I also didn’t consider its exploration of the meaning of sex and gender to be shockingly improper.
Although I don’t remember the details of the review in full, I probably failed to urge readers to buy up copies solely for the purpose of burning it in a public bonfire.
I posted another, corrected review. As I think it’s a 50-50 chance that they won’t like this one, either (OK, let’s be honest, it’s probably 1 in a trillion that they will approve of it), I copied the content and am posting it here.
I've been following the debate about the meaning of sex and gender for some time - starting back in the late 60s and early 70s. At that time, almost the entire debate centered on unnecessary societal push towards not pushing children towards career choices based on their sex.
Not today.
The debate about sex and gender has evolved into meaning that one's gender may not match their DNA-determined sex, that multiple genders are possible, and that simply declaring one is a gender not matching the external sexual characteristics is sufficient to MAKE one what is declared (along with having full rights to use the bathroom/locker room of the declared sex).
Not everyone agrees with that definition. One person that doesn't is the protagonist of this book. By publicly declaring that there is a biologically-based definition of the terms "woman" and "man", he is arrested, jailed, and tried.
That trial forces his friends, colleagues, and girlfriend to make some hard choices.
Much of this story follows the same pathway as the famed Scopes trial in Tennessee. It is well written, and allows both sides to present their views. What the ultimate meaning of the discussion is up to the individual reader.
I’m going to do the same with any other review of books that I submit. I’m going to put it under the category of Banned Books Reviews.
Linda, as of 6:00 AM today, your review is visible: https://www.amazon.com/gp/customer-reviews/R2EAZOC9RIX4H3/ref=cm_cr_dp_d_rvw_ttl?ie=UTF8&ASIN=B0CC634V4Q
I'm guessing they'll block your review for one reason.
The book apparently allows both sides to make their arguments. Propaganda is necessarily one-sided.
Arguments counter to "approved discourse" are not allowed.