We are about as divided in this country as we have ever been. People have reached pre-Civil War Levels, cutting off relatives and neighbors for DARING to think differently than they do.
There are many people - on BOTH sides - who think that their opponents are Just Plain Stupid.
Some of them may be right.
But, in our system, even the Stupid get a vote.
The answer is not to take away their vote. It may be to START by treating them as though they were a thinking, reasonable human being.
Respect. Treating all like one of God’s own precious children.
I know it’s hard. When someone is screaming in your face:
Shut UP!
F**k Off!
You’re ignorant.
You’re a Fascist!
You’re a Racist.
It’s hard to keep calm and rational. The natural tendency is to respond back, and then some.
It’s also hard to be calm when you have affidavits, VIDEO, and physical evidence of massive cheating in some voting districts, and you are told, “You lost - get OVER it.” Funny how they never managed to do so themselves, when Trump won. We had four years of screaming, threatening, protesting, manufacturing an impeachment against the President and his associates, trying to drag Trump and his financial records into local and state courts, and just generally acting like jackasses.
All the while ignoring actual evidence of collusion, bribery, foreign influence, and other crimes by the Biden family.
And, ignoring falsified evidence, illegal communications interception, and FISA warrant violations. And, coverups of all that illegal activity.
Not ‘alleged’ - proven, or admitted.
And, no one went to jail for it.
Jail will be the least Trump would face, should the Left have their way.
So, why am I arguing for cooling down the Rush to Disunion?
Like any divorce, it will be expensive. We’re just coming through a massive meltdown of our personal and national wealth, and it’s not going to get cheaper.
It will also lead to dissolved relationships, not just among those splitting up, but also for anyone associated with them.
Both sides will be left weaker and poorer. It will leave them vulnerable to foreign interests moving into the vacuum of power.
It won’t happen quickly. It will take a long time to finalize. In that time, bitter words will be spoken, that may never heal.
Untangling our finances will be a lengthy process. Just working out the split in Social Security responsibilities would constitute a major headache, but add in military and government retirements, debt obligations, ownership of property (and the military bases), and figuring out a just split of it all, and you’ve got a tremendous mess.
There WILL be outbursts of violence. We will have a border/several borders that will need to be patrolled, and defended. Infiltration is also a possibility.
Perhaps, as a first step, we can establish some minimum areas of agreement:
If a state thinks it a great idea to release their criminals, they need to make it clear that the amnesty only goes as far as the state’s borders. If those guys want to travel, they better stay out of the Red.
If a foreigner manages to get themselves declared ‘sort-of legal’, without having gone through the FULL citizenship process, they, likewise need to stay out of the Red. And, don’t try to vote of otherwise take advantage of the citizen status they don’t have.
All those rules and regulations that Biden is likely to impose? Yeah, don’t bother to try to enforce them on us; we’re not likely to drop to our knees and comply. That goes double for any attempt to double-down on outlawing guns. ATF? Better stay out. Permanently. After all, they did this, long before the Federal Government apparatus was completely taken over.
There are only two ways this can go Linda: Civil War or we completely submit. The left will accept nothing but complete and total submission (just like their buddies the mooslems). One cannot compromise with evil and a split is a compromise. So when the ATF bangs on your door you either shoot or hand them your weapons.